
"BRILLIANT" logos... (REDUX)

I originally posted this several months ago in its original form. I since have update the link to two source blog sites. This was a response to a cavalcade of student logos that I find either lacking, or overworked (think of a solarized band logo for 'that dude he knows' band). It even garners a comment by one of my old instructors / a Milwaukee Metro market design business owner.

What is a logo anyway? A textbook answer might be something like: "A mark that articulates the brand to the world..."

There are a lot of very good logos in the world that are examples of great design, and just as many that aren't. Funny thing is, successful logos populate both camps. Some have figured out a way to create a memorable visual hit upon the viewer without being design world darlings.

I think the commonality is the effective research and processing of communication and marketing information, organizing and prioritizing that data to desired short and long term outcomes, and the skill at visually expressing everything in support of the developing brand.

If it is done with a high-minded design school flair, or a practical everyman visual style, the logo then requires repeated exposure to the public, and popular support and commitment. It also doesn't hurt to be clever. Sometimes clever can backfire a bit (think Red Dog beer a few years back)--so peruse some examples of clever, but not too clever... [link below]

brilliant logos 1
brilliant logos 2


  1. Oh P3, You just liked that article because the guy liked the old Brewers logo - which I still think was quite a nice solution and it was somewhat inspirational as I pursued a design career in the early 80's in the Milwaukee area. It's nice to see so many people still wearing hats and garments with that mark on it. At least it does have some meaning behind it, so many marks do not.

  2. I have mixed feelings about that old
    Brewer's logo (mostly because I am a CUBS fan ;-). [We get our logo everytime you hit option-g on a mac]
    Seriously though--it was a good mark.
